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The Elections 2006

"Open ye the gates, that the righteous nation
which keepeth the truth may enter in."

Isaiah 26:2

             The election results have proven that Americans do not want to "stay the course". Many Democrats would seek to politicize this election rather than discern the will of the American people. That would be a mistake. Political posturing in the face of the truth is exactly what has cost the Republicans their seats. The truth is that Americans are not buying into Republican or Democratic politics. America is a nation in the midst of a storm. These are serious times with serious issues that will affect our very survival as a nation. Americans need a government that is willing to acknowledge the truth and deal with it.

             Liberals, the likes of Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer, might be celebrating, but they shouldn't. The victory belongs to the more moderate and conservative voices of their party. More times than not, conservative or moderate Democrats were elected when the seats of Congress did change hands. When the Democrats abandoned Joe Lieberman for a more liberal candidate, the people of Connecticut told the Democrats that they're staying with Lieberman, regardless of his party affiliation. Connecticut voters also put Republican Chris Shays back in Congress. Like Lieberman, Shays has supported the War on Terror, and the War in Iraq, but has recently called for a timetable for withdrawal from the Iraqi conflict.

             Republicans were more in touch with Americans' views. The last several national elections bear this out. But a lot of Republicans refused to admit that Iraq is a country that is out of control. So the American people changed the course of the situation in Iraq by changing the balance of power in Congress. Our troops have succeeded in helping the Iraqis get rid of Saddam and install a democratically-elected government. But American military might can not control the vast intra-Islamic war that is now raging in Iraq and the Middle East. It is time to acknowledge this truth, and to stop saying that Islam is a religion of peace. It is the practitioners of Islam that determine whether their Islam would be a religion of peace, or war. It is the practitioners of Islam who determine how they will utilize Sharia law and jihad. Both parties fail to be truthful when it comes to the reality of the religion of Islam.

             When the Republicans failed to deal with securing our borders, despite the fact that they had control of both houses of Congress, the American people knew that these Republicans lacked the political will to effect a real change. Republican Rep. Tom Tancredo was often at odds with a lot of fellow Republicans over the necessity of securing our borders. Tancredo kept his seat in the House last night, while many Republicans did not. No victory in a foreign war will protect us, if our borders are not secure. Americans remember the 9/11 attacks were accomplished by terrorists who crossed our borders.

             Americans are also weary of Hollywood-style liberal politics. Californians defeated a referendum that was heavily promoted by Al Gore, Bill Clinton, Julia Roberts, Brad Pitt and lots of Hollywood money. Proposition 87 was played out as a war between big oil and environmentalism. The truth is that Californians would be required to pay even more for their energy. Alternative energy research is already vigorously pursued in California as a matter of necessity. Even Californians saw through the Hollywood charade. So while Californians voted no to Proposition 87 they kept their Hollywood Republican Governor. What does that say?

             America is a country founded with a set of core beliefs based upon the Judeo-Christian heritage. It is this heritage that gives us our strength. When our core beliefs are attacked, Americans will fight to preserve those beliefs, even if it takes time. Gay marriage proponents lost their battle in seven states on Tuesday. Virginia, South Carolina, Wisconsin, Tennessee, South Dakota, Colorado and Idaho have joined Arkansas, Georgia, Kentucky, Michigan, Mississippi, Montana, North Dakota, Oklahoma, Ohio, Utah and Oregon in amending their constitutions to define marriage as the union between a man and a woman. More states will follow. Americans as a whole are pro-life, and are not in favor of limitless abortion on demand, embryonic stem cell research or physician assisted-suicide. The hell of Roe v. Wade was given to us by unelected judges. It was the failure of judges and the state of Florida that caused the tormented death of Terry Sciavo. The Congress and the President acted upon America's core beliefs in their efforts to intervene for her. In the end, we witnessed Florida politicians on all levels, slowly executing an innocent woman by starvation and dehydration.

             Politicians that play politics with the serious issues that face this country will be held to task. The Democrats were granted a victory on Tuesday by the American voters. What they do with this victory, will depend on how they handle the truth.

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